I have added some more photos of typical dinners at our house. It’s hard to do the photos since my wife thinks I have gone off the deep end and my eleven year old son does his best to interfere. Anyway, enjoy!
- A plate of ribs fresh off the BBQ. The sauce is chinese chilli sauce, soya sauce, liquid smoke, rice vinegar, worcestershire sauce, garlic powder. It’s salted and then done in the oven at 225F for three hours wrapped in foil and then put on the BBQ with sauce added.

A portion of ribs served with a salad of mixed greens, blueberries, chopped pecans and feta cheese with balsamic vinaigrette.

Filet of sole fried in butter and garlic, served with salad of greens and balsamic vinaigrette and photo-bomb.

This is a piece of white chinook salmon marinated in a light teriyaki sauce and done on the BBQ. It is accompanied by a spinach puree.

A skewer of beef that has been drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with Montreal steak spice before grilling on the BBQ. It is accompanied by faux mashed potatoes made with cauliflower and mushrooms.
Could you give us an idea of the portion sizes here? These are child-sized portions, correct?
As an active adult LCHF female, I’m used to eating 6 oz. of fish or steak cooked in butter, and I would certainly accompany that with a salad of 4 cups of lettuce, 2 oz. cucumber, and 4 cherry tomatoes, garnished with 1 tablespoon olive oil and 1/2 T tarragon vinegar. 🙂
Dr Jay’s Reply:
The breakfast and lunch photos show what I actually eat. At dinnertime, I usually eat additional salad. The filet of sole portion shown in the photo is about half of what I would actually eat (ie I would have seconds). With the rib dinner I would probably have a couple more ribs than shown. Otherwise, these are actual meals and actual portions. Hope that helps.
You probably are a little bit “crazy” trying to fit this thing in and going thru withdrawals at the same time and trying to balance both worlds at once and make sense out of all this. — Hang in there, I find the nearer I get to “carb free” the better I feel and the better my mind works.
The palpability of what has occurred and what is occurring is a little bit harder still.
Stockholm syndrome may be at play here also. — It’s a common trait in native peoples. A lot of people don’t know it, but white people were, and are, subjected to the same “takeover” of their minds and bodies and spirits by the ruling class of Europeans. — The Kings and Queens and their cohorts and armies and brutality.– All the while with a big, warm smile. — We emulate them.
I say it’s the stimulants that made and makes them do it. — All knowing superiority. Ruthless, bloodthirsty, monsters. — ie, Hitler/Stimulants.
How do you get drool out of a keyboard?
Dr Jay’s Reply:
I know. When I am lecturing and am asked to describe the foods I eat, I invariably start salivating. It’s funny how LCHF detractors claim the diet is too boring and restrictive to be sustained.
I weakened and ate a pizza the other day. Well I actually ate about a third of it, diluted with salad and washed down with red wine. This was the first wheat I’d eaten in months.
Apart from the fact that it tasted like crap, and although it didn’t greatly affect my BG, I went and crashed out for a couple of hours (probably due to an excess of Extreme Gardening). When I woke up I was starving. Also my guts were grumbling and I was blowing off like a carthorse.
To think I used to *like* this stuff. And muesli.
Tonight I shall have a pheasant, roasted wrapped in streaky bacon, with brussels sprouts and chestnuts and a giant mushroom fried in olive oil, with a glass or two of Bordeaux which I bought up cheap. If that doesn;t keep me going until bedtime I’ll have some local cheese and grass fed butter on an oatcake.
Here’s a clue, ask some of the fit healthy old folks around these parts what they eat
“None of that low fat rubbish for a start!”
When even one of the girls working in the supermarket has noticed that it’s mainly the middle aged and increasingly the young who are putting on layers of lard despite their “low fat” purchases, you have to wonder why the doctors haven’t done a research project before the old folks die off.