Breakfast, lunch.

Here are two recipes, one for my usual breakfast and the other for my usual lunch. Because I am basically lazy, I prepare large batches and save individual portions which I microwave before eating. Both these are very portable, so I carry servings with me when I travel. If you are in a hurry in the morning, you can take the breakfast with you to work and microwave it there, something I used to do when I still had a desk job. Ditto for the lunch. The frittata recipe is my own invention and the chilli recipe is adapted from Sarah Fragoso’s book, “Everyday Paleo”. If you make the chilli using the proportions below, you will need a very large pot. I like these two recipes so much that I eat them virtually every day. I hope you will find them to your liking, as well.

Beanless Chilli

2 lbs ground beef (1/2 Costco package)
2 lbs ground pork (1/2 Costco package)
9 hot Italian sausages skinned (one Costco package)
1 large onion diced
20+ stalks of celery diced (one Costco package)
2 large cans Italian tomatoes (from Italy)
2 cans chicken broth
2 cups water
4 Tbsp basil
4 Tbsp oregano
2 Tbsp ground cummin
6 Tbsp chilli powder
2 tsp salt
2 tsp cayenne (optional depending on how hot the chilli powder is)

saute the onion and celery in lard, coconut oil or butter and transfer to large cooking pot
mix the spices in a bowl
fry the ground meat and sausage in batches, adding spices to each
batch, transfer to large pot
add tomatoes, chicken broth and water and simmer on low heat for about an hour

Let it sit at room temp for a day and then put it in meal-sized freezer containers with a dollop of sour cream and green salsa on top.

This makes about 15-20 servings which can be frozen and re-heated in the microwave.



12 omega-3 eggs
2/3 cup cream
8 strips bacon cooked and chopped
1 cup diced onion
1 cup chopped mushrooms (one can of Money’s mushroom pieces)
2 cups grated cheese
optional – 1/2 can of chipotle peppers, finely chopped (adds a bit of hot spiciness)
salt and coarse pepper to taste

mix eggs, cream, salt and pepper in a large bowl

in a large skillet, fry onions and mushrooms in bacon fat or lard on medium/high heat
add bacon and chipotle pepper

add egg mixture and stir with spatula until mostly cooked
top with grated cheese and cover pan on low heat until fully cooked

put under broiler until cheese starts to turn brown

transfer to cutting board, let cool and cut into wedges

Can be stored in a container in the fridge for up to a week and
microwaved for a quick breakfast.

You can use different veggies, spices and cheeses for variations on the theme. I eat it accompanied with fresh tomato and Hellman’s mayo (made with olive or canola oil – avoid mayo made with any other type of oil).

2 thoughts on “Breakfast, lunch.

  1. Do you really leave your chili at room temperature? I’ve thrown a lot of conventional wisdom out the window, but I’m not sure I’m ready to leave meat at room temperature for a day. As always, I’m willing to be educated.

    Dr Jay’s Reply:
    I actually leave it out for longer sometimes. The thorough cooking will have sterilized the dish. It takes some time to cool and if the lid is kept on it is very unlikely to be inoculated in that short a period. And, I think the spices have an anti-microbial effect. I’ve done it a number of times and nobody has been taken ill. If you are still fearful you can skip that step but, like most stews, the flavour improves if you do this.

  2. “canola oil”?

    Dr Jay’s Reply:
    Yes. It’s not perfect, but among the vegetable oils it has the best balance of omega-3 and omega-6. It would be best to stick with olive oil if possible.

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